Freedom 418 exists to help transform those affected by sexual exploitation, and their communities, through education and holistic healing, so that they can find complete freedom and reach their full potential in Christ.

They seek to see sexually exploited individuals, families and communities fulfilling God’s purpose for their lives – aware, restored, empowered and free.



Pakistan ranks #3 in Modern Slavery. The latest estimate is over 2 million people are in slavery in Pakistan.

A majority of these slaves are people who have incurred some type of expense and were unable to pay it. Whether it was a wedding dowry for a betrothed daughter or a sick child that needed medical attention. Whatever the situation was it resulted in the person, usually the head of the household, borrowing money from the brick kiln owners.

These men lend money and then charge exorbitant interest after telling the people that they must work off the debt. And so, the people unwittingly sell themselves into slavery.

I recently heard the story of one woman who had borrowed $500 USD and then worked over 5 years only to have paid the principle down $100. The people simply have no hope of ever being free of the debt.

Some marry in slavery, have children in slavery and finally die in slavery leaving their heirs with a debt which they themselves had little if nothing to do with.

All For Christ International works through our local pastors to witness to these people and to help with physical needs as well as buy the freedom of those which meet our qualifications. We are very careful as to which slaves we free. We focus mostly on entire families who show good prospects of not returning to a life of slavery once freed.

These people which we will free will be told not only why they were purchased with money, but also how they were purchased with the Blood of Christ. We will share the gospel with them and disciple those who come to Christ.

We will also provide them the means of making a living doing something else, either through the gift of a sewing machine, rickshaw or a donkey. Which Lord willing, with accountability and training they will learn to look to the Lord for their needs and to the church to help them rather than the brick kiln owners who thus far have only exploited them and added much misery to their lives.

Please help us free these wonderful people and disciple them in the ways of Christ.