God has worked through my life in so many ways, and when I was given the opportunity to go to Ireland, he just expanded the amazing work he was doing in my life. As I began to prepare for the trip, I asked the Lord what He wanted from me and how I could be a witness to the people I would encounter. I remember that He told me that I just needed to listen to His voice and He would guide me. The day we left for Ireland, I remember how excited I was and how ready I was for God to use me. We arrived in Ireland and the first few hours were a little chaotic, but as I look back at the experiences we went through were preparing us for what God had planned for us. The first two days that we were there, God told me to stand and watch. I continued to listen to His every word. Of course the enemy would whisper in my ear that I was wasting my time and that I wasn’t really hearing the Lord, but I just immediately prayed for God to intervene in the situation. The next day we began to evangelize at night and I knew that God was preparing me for something exciting, but I didn’t know when or where it would come from. A few hours passed, and I saw this group of Italian students walking toward us. Immediately I knew that God wanted me to talk to them, but of course my mind started to wonder, why could I come all the way to Ireland to witness to Italian kids. But I let God take the lead and I listened to what He wanted from me. It was amazing what God did in the two hours that I spent with these 4 Italian students. I got to witness to them about why God had sent us to Ireland and how I got saved. They eventually had to leave but I told them that they should come back the next day. The next day came and they did come back, but with 15 more of their friends. God had been preparing me and he used me in each and every one of their lives. Even to this day I am in contact with them and giving them Godly encouragement. A few days had passed and I was even more on fire for God and got to share my testimony with a church full of  people. God had continued to use me as a vessel of hope and encouragement. He used me in ways that I had never even imagined and I am so glad that he did!

- Wesley Hart